Photos of Pepperella

photographs by Angela Haseltine Pozzi

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First off I must say, “I am not a photographer, I am a sculptor. An artist that is simply having fun with photography”. I started this series of Pepperella, my beloved Rottweiller, about 1 1/2 years ago, when I was in the middle of massive turmoil, unable to get to my studio and I needed to be creating.

In the fall of 2004, my dear husband, Craig Pozzi, died of a brain tumor.  Grief and healing continues. Craig was a photographer at the college level and was a well respected and exhibited documentary photographer with a book ready to published. Craig loved the city and photographed people at fairs and festivals. In our 25 years of marriage we often critiqued each other's art work and hung many many shows. Our evenings often included editing photographs together with our daughter Nicola.

After his death, and to this day, I continue to be the trustee of the Pozzi Photo Trust and am doing the final editing and design work for his book, “Popular Events”. 

I am honored to know almost every one of his images like the back of my hand.

My past connection to photography was only through Craig. Never did I take a class or even attempt to make anything, but snapshots. Yet, after his passing, when I was depressed and tired of seeing only the ugliness around me I suddenly picked up the digital camera and went on a hunt for beauty. I felt strangely connected to Craig as I heard him say, “photograph what you know and love”. Nature and my dog was my answer. 

Once I started I could not stop. Pepperella and I have a dance we do together with the camera. We both take turns leading, but mostly I follow her. The editing process is as fun for me as the getting outside. I now understand the photographic process like never before, and can see why Craig loved it so.  My confidence to edit his many books has increased as I play in the same media.  I will be creating a website in 2009 of Craig Pozzi's  work as well as getting his book out to the public to enjoy. 

As the years pass, Pepperella  and I will stick together and the series of outings to various places, including the city, the park, the beach, etc.  will grow.   Until my dear model departs my side I will continue. Until then our favorite place is.....on the beach...... or in the woods........ or on the dunes..... or at the in Bandon-by-the-Sea.